
Contour related util functions


Gets the DICOM series number for a given contour file name or full file path

Ex: For ‘data/contourfiles/SC-HF-I-1/i-contours/IM-0001-0048-icontour-manual.txt’ the return value will be 48

Parameters:contour_file_name – name of the contour file
Returns:Integer corresponding to the DICOM series number

Parse the given contour filename

Parameters:filename – filepath to the contourfile to parse
Returns:list of tuples holding x, y coordinates of the contour
munge.utils.contour.poly_to_mask(polygon, width, height)

Convert polygon to mask

  • polygon – list of pairs of x, y coords [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), …] in units of pixels
  • width – scalar image width
  • height – scalar image height

Boolean mask of shape (height, width)

Image related util functions


Gets the resolution of the DICOM image

Parameters:dcm_img – pydicom instance of DICOM image
Returns:Resolution of the DICOM image i.e equivalent spacing of 1 pixel in millimeters

Converts the given grayscale image to a three channel image

Parameters:img_raw – the raw grayscale image
Returns:3 Channel RGB image

Parse the given DICOM filename

Parameters:filename – filepath to the DICOM file to parse
Returns:dictionary with DICOM image data

Miscellaneous util functions


Converts and returns a CSV file to Dict

Parameters:csv_file – Path to the CSV file
Returns:Dict representation of the CSV file

Gets the application configuration as a dict from the given file

Parameters:config_file – path to the configuration file
Returns:Dict containing the application configuration
munge.utils.misc.get_bounding_box_coords(contour, window=30)

Given a contour and window, get the min and max co-ordinates of a bounding box around that window

  • contour – Array of co-ordinates defining the contour
  • window – The window size of the bounding box

min_x, max_x, min_y and max_y of the bounding box

munge.utils.misc.get_ocontour_for_icontour(icontour_file, ocontour_dir)

Gets the ocontour file corresponding to the given icontour_path. If the ocontour file does not exist, None is returned.

Parameters:icontour_path – Full path to the icontour file
Returns:Path of the corresponding ocontour file, if exists or None

Generates and returns a random GUID

Returns:Random GUID V4