
Class to represent a dataset as a whole or for each study

class munge.Dataset.Dataset(config_file='config.json')

Bases: object

Dataset class can be instantiated with the following args

  • parameters, types, return and return types:
Parameters:config_file (string) – full path of the application config file

Returns the array representation of all the data points in this dataset

Returns:array of data and labels of this dataset

Maps the images with the contours and returns a generator with data points

Returns:generator of instances of DataElement having the corresponding image and contour

Maps the images with contours and returns a generator with data points, for the given study

Parameters:patient_id – unique ID of the study
Returns:generator of instances of DataElement having the corresponding image and contour, for the given study
plot_verification_for_study(patiend_id, filename=None, rows=5, columns=5)

Plots a series of images with the corresponding contour patches for the given study

  • patient_id – unique ID of the study
  • filename – filename to save the plot in
  • rows – number of rows in the plot
  • columns – number of columns in the plot

Returns the Dict representation of the dataset

Returns:Dict having id, dcm_path and contour_path attributes of the data points in this dataset